Cookies and Chaos!

Sooooo…  I had big plans to tackle Christmas this weekend and I did absolutely nothing of the sort.  It all started last week when my BFF, Pioneer Woman ( I call her Shama) and I were trading texts back and forth, back and forth about totally random stuff, when she said:

PW:  What are you doing this weekend, you and Lang (the Senator’s daughter) want to come up to the Lodge? I am having a baking day.  Short notice.

SW:  Sure.  She would love that.  She misses her BFF’s.  This Saturday at what time?

PW:  10:30 ish…Big cookie decorating class, then candy making!

SW:  Will it be as crazy as the throw down?  As in cast of thousands?

PW:  No, Shama (she calls me Shama).  More like 20 people max.

SW:  Liar!

PW:  It will be very calm.

SW:  Ha ha ha.

So, we went up to the Lodge to see our friends, decorate some cookies and had a perfectly marvelous time.

I got to see friends from the ranch and also met some amazing women, moms, bloggers, bakers, photographers….

…and it inspired me to switch it up around here on this site.  Which means, I spent all of yesterday afternoon designing a new look and feel for my blog and I am moving it to a new location….as soon as I can get my domain to point in another direction.

All of this means I did absolutely nothing on my To-Do List in terms of decorating the house for Christmas, Christmas shopping or tackling the piles of laundry and sink full of dishes this weekend.

And, if you know me and my Type A tendencies… know the hair will start falling out soon.

Check back later………….

Update:  It Worked Y’all! Hope you like my new diggs.

4 thoughts on “Cookies and Chaos!

  1. Amy

    Oh, I can’t wait to see what your new blog is about. It is nice being around other bloggers for inspiration for sure. It was great seeing you again and meeting your beautiful daughter:-) I so love coming home.

  2. Julie

    Hey Friend!
    I love the new look! It was great seeing you and Lang last Saturday. Tell Lang we are having lots of fun with the Fat Booth app. 🙂 Hope to see you guys again soon!

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